Fundraising Portfolio

Nonprofit Annual Reports &
Case for Support Brochures

Over the course of my fundraising career, I’ve had the privilege of working with dozens of nonprofits in various capacities. I have supported several of these organizations with a combination of my writing and design skills, creating annual reports in various formats for online and print to help nonprofits maintain donor relations and confidence. I've also written and designed Case for Support brochures, ensuring that organizations have an appealing way to present the need for their services to potential donors and grantmakers. Here are some examples of my work.

Michigan's Great Southwest
Strategic Leadership Council

Case for Support

An 8-page document designed for both electronic distribution via PDF and print.

Boolean Girl

Case for Support

Boolean Girl 2021 Case For Support Page 1
Boolean Girl 2021 Case For Support Page 2
A 2-page document designed for both electronic distribution via PDF and print.

Leake & Watts

(Social Services)

2013 Annual Report

For this annual report, I compiled all of the information, developed all of the content, and curated the photos. I worked with the primary designer on the layout and design elements, but I was not the primary graphic designer on the project.

Leake & Watts

(Social Services)

2014 Annual Report

For this annual report, I compiled all of the information, developed all of the content, and curated the photos. I worked with the primary designer on the layout and design elements, but I was not the primary graphic designer on the project.
Las Mainlogo Turqoise

This website was created with a lot of love, Coke Zero, and tacos by Kumquat Creative.

©2024 Lauren Alise Schultz. All rights reserved.
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