Nonprofit Work

Over the course of my career in fundraising, I’ve had the privilege of working with dozens of organizations in various capacities. I have supported these nonprofits with grant writing, crowdfunding, communications, social media and digital marketing, strategic planning, coaching, and other fundraising services.

The organizations below provide a good sampling of the kinds of nonprofit organizations and programs with whom I have worked.
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Arts Organizations

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Youth Art For Healing in Bethesda, Maryland
Youth Art For Healing supports the creation of youth artwork for permanent installation at healthcare environments to provide a sense of comfort, inspiration, and healing for patients and their loved ones, as well as healthcare professionals.
Krasl Art Center
Krasl Art Center in Saint Joseph, Michigan
The Krasl Art Center is a community art center that offers classes for children and adults, hosts art exhibits, sponsors permanent sculptures throughout the community. They also host the annual Krasl Art Fair on the Bluff, one of the top art fairs in the country.

Health & Wellness Organizations

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Iowa Donor Network
in Des Moines, Iowa
Organ and tissue transplants save the lives of individuals who have many different types of medical conditions and emergencies. Iowa Donor Network is the primary contact for organ, eye, and tissue donation in the state of Iowa and serves as the only tissue recovery agency for the state. Working against the clock, they partner with healthcare providers of all kinds to provide vital coordination and transplant services to save hundreds of lives across the state each year, as well as support donor families.
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The LifeSpace Foundation
in Des Moines, Iowa
The Lifespace Foundation is the charitable arm of Lifespace Communities, an organization of senior living communities scattered across the country. The Foundation administers the Benevolent Care Fund, ensuring that if any resident outlives their financial resources, Lifespace will continue to care for that resident for the remainder of their life. Additional funds support the social, intellectual, spiritual, and physical needs of all residents, as well as the educational and emergency needs of Lifespace team members.

Social and Human Services

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Rising Ground in Yonkers, New York
Rising Ground (formerly Leake & Watts) provides a broad range of programs to support children; families; adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; survivors of intimate partner violence; students with emotional disorders and learning disabilities; unaccompanied migrant children; LGBTQ teens; youth in foster care; adoptive families; homeless and runaway teens; and juvenile delinquents. The organization serves individuals and families with 55 different programs across all five boroughs of New York City and to the north in Westchester County.
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Maryland Latinos Unidos in Baltimore, MD
Maryland Latinos Unidos is a statewide association of Latinx nonprofits, community organizations, and business leaders who elevate and address challenges faced by the Latinx community. MLU’s mission is to build the capacity of Latino-serving organizations, call attention to disparities and inequities faced by Latinx and immigrant communities, and address these problems with coordinated action to ensure all Latinos are able to access services. MLU’s work includes convening around public policy priorities, coordinating health & wellness initiatives, and providing technical assistance for community-serving organizations.
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Jobs for Life in Benton Harbor, Michigan
Jobs for Life (JfL) is the most widely used evangelical jobs program in the country, partnering with churches and ministries to help the unemployed and underemployed find work. The program in Benton Harbor consists of both classroom training, mentorship, and hands-on job training in one of several local social enterprises.
Iowa International Center
Iowa International Center in Des Moines, IA
Iowa International Center connects international Iowans and visitors to educational and cultural resources, making Iowa a more inclusive and welcoming place to live, work, and raise a family. First formed to assist immigrants fleeing Europe during WWII, the organization now provides interpretation and translation services, English Language Learning (ELL) classes, professional development for ELL instructors, and international visitor programs, including two professional exchange programs.
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Communities for People
in Boston, Massachusetts
Communities for People has been a leader in community-based approaches to support children, youth, and families in the state foster care system for over 45 years. Their programs include family support and preservation, treatment foster care, adoption support, and a variety of residential and independent living programs for teens.
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Central Iowa Shelter & Services
in Des Moines, Iowa
Central Iowa Shelter & Services provides low-barrier shelter, meals, and support services at no cost to adults experiencing homelessness, while also facilitating their move towards self-sufficiency. Their support services include in-house job training, an on-site health clinic, a food pantry, a clothing closet, and training in agriculture and sustainability through their farming program.

Education & Youth Development

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Parent Child+ Program in Yonkers, New York
Formerly the Parent-Child Home Program, Parent Child+ uses an innovative Home-Based Child Care Provider Model to work one-on-one with a diverse array of parents/caregivers and their 16-48 month-olds twice a week. The program's Early Learning Specialists help parents learn how to prepare their children for academic success, building school-readiness skills and strengthening families and communities through intensive, consistent long-term home visiting.
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Boolean Girl in Arlington, Virginia
Boolean Girl educates girls to code, build, invent, and animate. The organization offers in-person computer science education classes in a collaborative and welcoming environment, online classes and events, summer camps, and a STEM speaker series, helping students learn coding and engineering skills to prepare them for a broad set of careers.
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I Am We Are in Prince George's County, MD
and the Royal Bafokeng Nation, South Africa
I Am We Are (IAWA) is a global nonprofit youth development organization that strives to empower youth across Africa and her Diaspora through leadership development programming to support the social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth of participants. IAWA works both with teens, encouraging their entrepreneurial mindset, and their parents, helping to ensure stability in the students' home environments.
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The Summit School
in Edgewater, Maryland
The Summit School educates children with unique learning profiles to their full potential, with the goal of seeing those students mature into self-sufficient, self-advocating, and successful adults. The school supports children whose dyslexia or other learning differences present challenges that have previously prevented them from finding success in other schools. Students receive individualized instruction and curriculum is delivered in a systematic, multisensory way by highly-trained teachers in a supportive environment that is tailored to support students who learn differently.
The Dr. Katherine Dodge Brownell School
in Bronx, New York
The Brownell School provides special education preschool classes that make sure children with special needs and developmental delays get the opportunity to learn and thrive. The school supports children with varied challenges, including speech impairments, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, developmental disabilities, emotional/behavioral challenges, sensory and cognitive delays, and autism spectrum disorder. Each child’s specific developmental and learning objectives are met through play, individual instruction time, and classroom activities. Trained teachers and staff help the children progress toward their personal goals, such as learning to make eye contact, controlling aggressive behaviors and communicating through sign language.
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The Biondi Special Education School in Yonkers, New York
The Carol & Frank Biondi Middle & High School School is an accredited, nurturing, therapeutic learning environment for students with learning disabilities, emotional disorders, autism, and/or other health impairments, in accordance with each student’s Individual Education Program (IEP). The school is dedicated to providing a holistic education, emphasizing academic, physical, and cultural diversity, and providing strong social foundations. Staff work with parents, Committees on Special Education, and NYC’s Central Based Support Team to make sure students are in the right environment and receiving the supports they need to succeed.

Professional Associations

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The Hispanic National Bar Association in Washington, DC
The Hispanic National Bar Association supports Hispanic legal professionals and students, promotes higher education and professional development among Hispanics, and supports the economic empowerment of the Hispanic community in the U.S. The organization is dedicated to preparing Hispanic students and professionals to thrive in a global society.
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The Physician Associate/Assistant Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia
As the philanthropic arm of The American Academy of PAs (Physician Associates/Assistants), The PA Foundation empowers PAs to improve health care through philanthropy and service, providing a wide variety of training resources and opportunities for PAs and other Health Care Providers.
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The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia
The AMCP Foundation is the research, education, and philanthropic organization supporting the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, the leading professional association in managed care. The organization aims to improve health outcomes by investing in future-focused research and developing managed care pharmacy leaders. 
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Maryland Nonprofits
in Baltimore, Maryland
Maryland Nonprofits is the statewide association of nonprofit organizations, working to promote a thriving and effective nonprofit sector in Maryland for over 30 years. The organization provides its members with resources and educational materials, workshops and conferences, access to services such as liability insurance and background checks, and representation in Annapolis and on Capitol Hill regarding the shared public policy priorities of Maryland’s nonprofit sector.
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The Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington, DC
AAMC is a professional association that leads and serves the academic medicine community with the goal to improve the health of people everywhere. The organization is dedicated to transforming health care through innovative medical education, cutting-edge patient care, groundbreaking medical research, and community collaborations. AAMC's members include all 158 U.S. medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education; 13 accredited Canadian medical schools; approximately 400 academic health systems and teaching hospitals, including Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers; and more than 70 academic societies.
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Michigan Federation of Music Clubs
in Grand Rapids, Michigan
The Michigan Federation of Music Clubs is a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, the largest nonprofit in America promoting and supporting American music, performers, and music education. The organization is comprised of professional artists and educators, collegiate chapters, student and junior performers, composers, and music enthusiasts. MFMC develops student education through performance, study, leadership, community service, and scholarship opportunities; encourages collaboration between music clubs and other organizations; and promotes the appreciation and understanding of the value of music in the home, the community, the nation, and the world.

Community Development Organizations

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Michigan's Great Southwest Strateic Leadership Council
in Benton Harbor, Michigan
The Strategic Leadership Council is a non-profit, collective impact organization focused on the positive growth of all of Southwest Michigan for all of its citizens. The organization focuses on leadership development, intergovernmental cooperation and best practices, transportation systems, affordable and market-rate housing, and harbor redevelopment.​
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Mosaic Christian Community Development Association (Mosaic CCDA)
in Benton Harbor, MI
Mosaic CCDA supports individuals who struggling to re-enter the workforce, empowers local entrepreneurs, operates several local social enterprises, works to revitalize neighborhoods and increase home ownership in the Benton Harbor community, and partners with the state of Michigan to deliver water to those who are shut in or homebound. 

Faith-Based Organizations

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Reliant Ministries in Orlando, Florida
Reliant is a Christian missions support agency and network of like-minded churches. The organization helps plant college campus and community-based churches, supports on-campus ministries, and is involved in international Christian outreach. Reliant also serves as a hub between local churches, missionaries, and the donors who support their work.
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Overflow Church in Benton Harbor, MI
Overflow Church is a Christ-centered community of people dedicated to creating a truly multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-generational community in Saint Joseph and Benton Harbor, Michigan.

Grass Roots Organizations

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Heart of Des Moines in Des Moines, Iowa
The Heart of Des Moines coalition is comprised of nonprofit development consultants who are dedicated to professional development and sharing resources to elevate their practice as consultants living and working in Central Iowa.
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Creative Habitat in Des Moines, Iowa
Creative Habitat is a co-working and childcare organization dedicated to creating nurturing environments for families to work, play, and grow in business and life. The organization strengthens families and supports business entrepreneurs by uniting families and providing affordable childcare and coworking resources under the same roof.
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This website was created with a lot of love, Coke Zero, and tacos by Kumquat Creative.

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